Friday, February 2, 2007


My friend Renee told me that she liked my demo Home that I put on my music profile. And it reminded me I had words to it. So I read them and as I did I realized that it was the words I needed to hear. And I find it amazing that God inspired me to write this a couple months ago and now it speaks to me. Haha. I hope to record this soon. Enjoy.

You carry your weight
It feels heavy like mine
And in the night you wonder
Was it right to take this burden? To take this life?
You never had a choice
Now you never feel sure of yourself
You fight this every day
But you stay the same

Don't put your bags down
Don't give up on your journey now
Cause I can see the light even though you feel blind
And I can feel your heartbeat

Another pain surfaces
Even though it was supposed to disappear forever
Although the past hasn't died
The futures coming, ready for your new start again
Your heads down, you know that it's not the same
They meant so much and then went away
And now you're running away from what your don't want to face
Praying one day it will all go away

Don't run and hide
Cause fear should not be controlling anyone
Cause I can see the light even though you feel blind
And I can feel your heartbeat
Don't put your bags down
Don't give up on your journey now
Cause I can see the light even though you feel blind
And I can feel your heartbeat

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