Monday, February 19, 2007

Healing The Betrayed

I won't listen to you
You're always in my head
You always try to mess with what I'm trying to say
And every day you're always trying to fake what's real
But you need to realize that it won't last
Retribution comes at you fast

When I trusted you
I knew that someday
It just might fall through
But I still followed along
Cause my hope in you was still there
And I don't regret it now
But your changing's got me running
Away from you and now
It seems that you're still blinded by the lights of your own despair

Silence follows
Shadows close on you
Regrets are your friends and they're trying to hold me down
You liar, you betrayer
You can't see the lie that's written on your face
And every day I have to live with what you did
Not because of me, but what you inflicted
I'm leaving the past, I won't make it last
I wish I could save you instead of hate you

And now this letter's finished
My guilt dues have been paid
I've put it behind me by laying it at your feet
You could still be the same
You could've completely changed
Jesus will take you back home
But I can't say the same for me
You cut me deep, and the wound has healed
But I still hold the pain every day in my hands
Go in peace, but don't come near to me
This memory will be better off forgotten for eternety

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