Wednesday, September 26, 2007


I wish I could give you one last chance
Give you one more time to dance
But you've already had your last bet
And now it's time to hit the ground
I see where you're headed
You're a lot like me, you're stubborn
But we were never like we thought we were
So I guess I'll say goodbye to this

Now everything has changed for you and me
I knew that this day would come
But I still believe we'll be okay
I hope one day you'll hear me say
My brother, welcome back

Things change, years mean tears
And fears come to face us every time
I defend what I've said to the very end
No matter what happens I'm never forsaken
You tell me you're never free
You tell me how your life's a lie
And the truth has become the enemy
I wish I didn't have to say goodbye

And every time you broke down
Lost and asking why I'm not around
I told you why, pointed to the sky
Told you there's your answer
You knew the lives that you could choose
I still don't know why you wanted to lose
Everything you thought you knew
And see me say goodbye

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